
Marine Empowerment

We promote equal, oppertunities for all.

The role GH Fredericks has played to the fishing community of Hangklip Kleinmond.

  1. Masbaai harbour in Pringle Bay, Western Cape (near Bettys Bay), PJFCA was instrumental in stopping the process to close the area for fisherman.
  • The fishermen need the caches to feed themselves, feeding fish community and d making a living.
  • The private landowners, who has exclusive rights to the sea, wished to stop local fisherman who needs to fish for a living and sustain their families from fishing in this area.
  1. The Kogelberg Biosphere NPC established a Kleinmond Marine Working Group (KMWG) in 2009 with aim to form a MPA (Marine Protective Area).
  • The MPA will ensure sustainable fishing and fish species not being overharvest. PJFCA played a key role in ensuring the lively hoods and rights of the local fishers and fishing communities.
  • We ensured the community had a stake, role to play and accepted the plans brought forward, a local fishing community organisation Kleinmond Marine Products was accepted to overlook and be involved ensuring the MPA is protected.
  • The MPA will ensure abalone, lobster, galjoen and other fish species being able to recoup from near collapse and as of this result the fish population will increase which in turn will provide future feeding scheme to unborn individuals.
  1. We assist with the Small-Scale Fisheries project in Kleinmond.
  • Assisted women in the fish industry to established, operate women Fishing Co-operative.
  • The main aim is to protect the local fishers from being over exploited (Hawkers paying catches for nothing), job creation in fishing sector, establish fair price market and provide fish to all locals.
  • As since fishing rights (abalone & West Coast Rock lobster) quotas was allocated, the traditional fishermen almost became extinct and our local community starved as their traditional staple food, fish was not being catch anymore.
  1. We also assist in awareness programmes to educate youth on the importance of marine species, marine life, and effect of poaching on the sea chain and helped with skills sets example beach clean-up, swimming so that they might become future responsible citizens.
  2. Played key role in Kleinmond fishing town that a certain fishing project is being funded by the National Government.
  3. Ensure funds through above project is available for fisherman / women.
  4. Ensure funds is available to ensure the slipway / harbour is safe for boat launch and boats.
  5. Assist with plans to establish a Fish Processing Establishment – FPE – for the local fish community of Kleinmond. Managerial post will be made available to local HDI (Historical Disadvantage Individuals) and the proceeds is spent in the fisher community. This will ensure 50 employment oppertunities.
  6. PJ Fishing Compliance Advisors played a key role in the following:
  7. Maintaining the health of marine ecosystem.
  8. Empower and develop small-scale fishing communities.
  9. Creating a sustainable, equitable fishing sector.
  10. Assistance in capacity building in fish sector.
  11. Assist with transformation in fish sector.
  12. Promote economic empowerment for women.


Objectives and advice to ensure fish sustainability:

  1. Hand advice / mentor those who request, regarding compliance of entities (director duties) in Department Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries – DAFF – policies. Which should ensure Fish Right can be re issued.
  2. Advice and mentor fisherman in aspects they struggle. Legal, finance through networking.
  3. Assist that Right Holders are not being misused by professional parties.
  4. Offering guidance and advice with Fishing Right Application Process (FRAP) application for individuals and entities.
  5. Ensuring the Right Holders who is allocated a right, adhere to policies as set out by DAFF, and the information completed / attached in FRAP application.
  6. Assist with fishing permits.
  7. Assist to be prevent poaching.
  8. Assist small scale fishers.
  9. Assist with capacity building in sector
  10. Assist right holders – entities and individuals.
  11. Assist with transformation in fish sector (promotion of youth, disabled and female).
  12. Assist with skills training and disaster management in fish sector.
  13. Assist to develop programs, projects to sustain fish sector.
  14. Assist with learnership, developments and skills transfer through AGRISETA – 13000 by making use of professionals.
  15. Assist to secure food security in fish sector.
  16. To ensure sustainability in fish sector.
  17. To ensure sustainability in fish farms.
  18. To assist with fish farms.
  19. To ensure job creation in fish sector.
  20. To assist with black enterprise / black ownership / black individual development.
  21. Empower people to become educated with marine laws.
  22. Empower people to become self-sustainable and in such increase black management in any sector especially the fish sector.
  23. Ensure studies for those individuals who wish to empower themselves and assist with bursaries.
  24. Ensure fishermen / fisher women receives market & best prices available from buyers.
  25. Assisted and nurtured talent in local community who can apply for FRAP 2015 / 2016 and rights. This can lead to new right holders.
  26. Assisted fishermen / fisherwomen with Fishing Right Application Process (FRAP) 2015 / 2016 at no charge to increase transformation in fish sector.
  27. Assisted youth, African, female to establish a NPC with sole objective fish & fish sustainability.
  28. Increased transformation in fish sector with learners (youth, female, disabled) who was asked to be directors of entities who applied for FRAP 2015 / 2016.
  29. Assisting entities and individuals with FRAP 2015 / 2016 appeals
  30. Assisted black companies with BEE grant funding FRAP 2015 / 2016 applications
  31. We assist fishing communities in Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape
  32. We assist that employees share in employer shareholding scheme.