Fishing Community: Activities in the Fishing Sector

The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company confirm the role GH Fredericks has played to the fishing community of Hangklip Kleinmond. Mr Fredericks has since 2004 performed these activities in the fishing sector for free:

  1. Masbaai, he was instrumental in stopping the process to close the area for fishermen. The private landowners, who has exclusive rights to the sea and wished to stop local fishermen who needs to fish for a living and sustain their families from fishing in this area.
  2. The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company NPC, established the Kogelberg Marine Working Group (KMWG) in 2009 with the aim to ensure proper management of the BBMPA (Betty’s Bay Marine Protected Area) and ensure it be proclaimed as a notake fishing zone. This will ensure recovery of fish species and fish species not being overharvest. Mr Fredericks played a key role as a liaison officer between the local fishing community, the consultants as well as the government officials to ensure that the local fishing community had given their input into the Kogelberg Marine Integrated Management Plan for the Kogelberg Marine Area and accepted the plans brought forward to them. This plan will ensure abalone, rock lobster, galjoen and other threaten fish species being able to recoup from collapse and recover.
  3. He assists WWF-SA with the Small-Scale Fisheries Improvement project in Kleinmond which was initiated from the KMWG. This project will ensure women from the local fishing community to be operative in the fish industry through the establishment of a co-operative business. The main aim of the project is to create a sustainable income for the cooperative through selling fish catches to the local restaurants and well-known chain stores in the area.
  4. He also assist in awareness programmes to educate youth on the importance of the marine eco-system and the effects of poaching on the system and he helps with life skills so that they can become future responsible citizens.
  5. Mr Fredericks played a key role in the following:
    • Maintaining the health of marine ecosystem
    • Empower small-scale fishing communities
    • Create a sustainable, equitable fishing sector
    • Assist in capacity building in fish sector.
    • Assist with transformation in fish sector.
    • Promote economic empowerment for women.

Please click here to view the official letter from the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company.